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Future Generations Podcast with Dr. Stanton Hom

Aug 31, 2020

In this episode, Courtney Scott draws a line in the sand as a midwife committed to informed consent surrounding all decisions in healthcare - especially those surrounding pregnancy and birth. With an almost decade of service to birthing patients and the San Diego birthing community and a deep commitment to how life is...

Aug 24, 2020

In this episode, I take you through one of the most foundational conversations that builds a framework for Informed Consent surrounding the critical subject of vaccine safety.  However, this framework is something we already inherently do as parents and sovereign people whenever we are making a choice for our...

Aug 17, 2020

In this episode, Mary Holland takes us right into the deep end of the Health Freedom movement past and present. Her passion and expertise shine through not only in the fight to defeat the Totalitarian agenda many corporate and governmental  entities force upon the global populace but also to safeguard the vision of the...

Aug 10, 2020

In this episode, Dr. Fischbein, with his 35 years in practice, provides an in-depth view into the vastness of our birthing world and advises something you would rarely here an OB-Gyn say, hire a midwife for both well-woman care and for your next birth! 

Stuart J. Fischbein MD is a fellow of the American College...

Aug 3, 2020

In this episode Dr. Tony Ebel brings a message of hope from a model of chiropractic care that spans the whole cycle of life. Being ferociously committed to optimal neurological function and cause-focused care offers the greatest opportunity outside of the conventional medical model to experience optimal life...