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Future Generations Podcast with Dr. Stanton Hom

Dec 29, 2022

In this final episode of the year, Dr. Stanton Hom reflects on the evolution of the Future Generations Podcast and the new direction it will head in 2023.  For our valued podcast listeners, patients, or both, Dr. Stan lays out the future plans for an inspired curriculum that will guide you to your highest health...

Dec 19, 2022

In this episode, Dr. Stanton Hom provides to this community one of the most powerful exercises he’s ever been exposed to. The ability to create a powerful new year is based upon our ability to process and integrate the previous one. Do this exercise with your spouse, your kids (if they are old enough) or with your...

Dec 12, 2022

In this episode, Dr. Stanton Hom provides to this community one of the most powerful exercises he’s ever been exposed to. The ability to create a powerful new year is based upon our ability to process and integrate the previous one. Do this exercise with your spouse, your kids (if they are old enough) or with your...

Dec 5, 2022

In this episode, Dr. Stanton Hom highlights some of the cathartic moments after tuning into The Way Forward Summit. This second part covers looking at solutions rather than problems. So many opportunities to “change status” to “leave the system” and the like but how many are credible. This episode covers the The...

Nov 28, 2022

In this episode, Dr. Stanton Hom highlights some of the cathartic moments after tuning into The Way Forward Summit. This first part covers looking at solutions rather than problems. We’ve been so focused on the problem as a movement when the truth of it all is finding our way forward for our Future Generations. The...